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Shoofly Pie Recipe – Handwritten Card

This recipe was written on a lined index card and found in a large collection, date unknown. I’ve typed it below along with a scanned copy.

Shoofly Pie (Penn. Dutch)
375° oven for 35 min.

To 3/4 c. boiling water add 1/2 tsp. soda and 1 c. mild brer rabbit molasses and set aside.

Make top part as follows–

1 1/2 c. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 c. brown sugar and 1/4 c. white sugar.
Toss & mix and add 1/4 c. shortening and blend.

Into pie shell:

Pour 1/3 of first mixture into pie shell and alternately crumbs and another 1/3 first mixture and etc. until all used ending with crumbs.