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Rye Bread Dip Recipe – Handwritten

This handwritten recipe was found in a large collection, date unknown. Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy (front side only).

Rye Bread Dip

1 1/2 pints sour cream
3 T. parsley flakes
2 t. Beau Monde
1 1/2 pints mayonnaise
2 t. dill weed
2 T minced onion
3 3oz pkgs. chipped beef, shredded

Combine all ingredients and pour into prepared round rye bread loaf.

To Prepare Round Rye:

Cut off top. Pull out inside of loaf into bite size pieces to use as dippers. Tear up top also. (- This recipe will fill one round rye loaf twice or make two separate ones. -)