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Pies – 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup – Vintage Booklet

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category [1]. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.


Chocolate Butterscotch Pie

2 cupfuls milk . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 cupful flour . . . 3/4 cupful brown sugar . . . 2 tablespoonfuls butter . . . 2 eggs . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla.

Sift the flour and salt together and mix to a paste with a little cold milk or water, and add Hershey’s Syrup to this paste. Bring 2 cupfuls of milk to the boiling point, add the flour mixture and cook till thick. Meantime, cook the butter and brown sugar together just till well blended, add to the flour and milk and mix well. Pour over the well-beaten yolks of the eggs and stir over boiling water for a few moments, then pour into a previously baked pie shell and cover with a meringue made by beating the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth with 4 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar. Flavor delicately with vanilla. Brown in a very slow oven and serve cold.

Chocolate Fudge Pie

1 cupful milk . . . 3 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 cupful sugar . . . 4 tablespoonfuls cornstarch . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1 tablespoonful butter . . . 2 eggs . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 1/2 pint whipping cream.

Mix Hershey’s Syrup, milk, sugar, cornstarch and salt together and cook in double boiler till thick. Add butter, then the well-beaten yolks of the eggs. Whip the whites of the eggs very stiff and, after the chocolate mixture has cooked a few moments longer, fold them into it, lightly. Add vanilla and cool mixture for half an hour. Then pour into a previously baked pie shell and, just before serving, top with cream, whipped, sweetened and flavored.

For variety, add a teaspoonful of Hershey’s Syrup to the cream after whipping and garnish the pie with Hershey’s Almond Bar crushed lightly.

Chocolate Custard Pie

4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 eggs . . . 2 tablespoonfuls sugar . . . 3 tablespoonfuls cornstarch . . . 1 pint hot milk . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . dash salt.

Beat the eggs lightly, add Hershey’s Syrup, sugar and cornstarch and stir till well mixed. Pour in the scalding milk, add the salt and vanilla and stir over hot water. Line a greased pie pan with flaky pastry, pour in the cooled filling, dust the top with Hershey’s Cocoa and place in a hot oven till the pastry is set. Then lower the temperature and finish baking.