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Fancy Egg Scramble Recipe Clipping

This is a recipe clipping from a magazine, date unknown. One word is missing from the recipe as a small piece has torn away. I can’t make out what the word is, but I would guess the word is ‘done’…Add eggs and scramble just till ‘done’. Fold mushroooms

The missing word is noted in the recipe below.


1 cup (4 ounces) diced Canadian bacon
1/4 cup chopped green onion
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
12 beaten eggs
1 3-ounce can mushroom stems and pieces, drained
1 recipe Cheese Sauce
4 teaspoons butter or margarine, melted
2 1/4 cups soft bread crumbs (3 slices bread)
1/8 teaspoon paprika

In large skillet, cook Canadian bacon and onion in the 3 tablespoons butter or margarine till onion is tender but not brown. Add eggs and scramble just till (? missing word). Fold mushrooms and cooked eggs into Cheese Sauce. Turn into a 12x7x2-inch baking dish. Combine remaining melted butter, crumbs, and paprika; sprinkle atop eggs. Cover; chill till 30 minutes before serving. Bake, uncovered, in 350° oven for 30 minutes. Makes 10 servings.

To make Cheese Sauce: Melt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine; blend in 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Add 2 cups milk; cook and stir till bubbly. Stir in 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded process American cheese till melted.