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Cakes – 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup – Vintage Booklet

This recipe booklet from Hershey Chocolate Syrup has no date marked but I believe this was published in the 1930s or earlier and is part of my personal collection. Each of the pages from this vintage cookbook are filed in the 55 Recipes For Hershey’s Syrup Category [1]. You can read the page typed below or click on the picture to view a larger scanned copy.


Chocolate Crumb Cake

2 cupfuls flour . . . 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder . . . 1/2 teaspoonful salt . . . 1 cupful sugar . . . 4 tablespoonfuls shortening . . . 3/4 cupful milk . . . 1 egg . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup.

Mix flour, salt and sugar, rub in shortening till mixture is like coarse meal. Take out 1/2 cupful of “crumbs” and set aside. Add baking powder, Hershey’s Syrup, milk and beaten egg to remainder of flour mixture. Beat well, pour into shallow, well-greased pan. Scatter reserved crumbs over top of cake and bake about 30 minutes in moderate oven. This little cake is to be served hot for luncheon or supper.

Chocolate Macaroons

2 egg whites . . . 1 cupful granulated sugar . . . 1/2 cupful nut meats . . . 1/2 cupful coconut . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 1/2 cupfuls corn flakes.

Crush the corn flakes lightly, chop the nut meats and coconut rather fine. Beat the eggs to a stiff froth, add the sugar and beat again until the mixture will hold its shape, then add the corn flakes and Hershey’s Syrup. Drop on greased and floured tins and bake in a very slow oven 45 to 55 minutes. If desired, a dash of cinnamon or 1/2 teaspoonful of vanilla may be added.

Chocolate Date and Nut Sticks

2 eggs . . . 1/2 cupful sugar . . . 1/2 cupful walnut meats . . . 1/2 cupful dates, chopped . . . 1/2 cupful flour . . . 1 teaspoonful baking powder . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 2 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup.

Beat the eggs thoroughly and gradually beat in the sugar. Sift the flour and baking powder and add the egg and sugar mixture, also the vanilla and Hershey’s Syrup. Then add the walnut meats and dates, which have been chopped into small pieces. Beat all together and spread in an oblong, shallow pan. Bake slowly in a moderate oven. When the cake has cooled, cut in 1-inch strips and roll in powdered sugar.

Chocolate Midgets

1/2 cupful butter . . . 4 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 2 eggs . . . 3/4 cupful granulated sugar . . . 3/4 cupful flour . . . 1/4 teaspoonful baking powder . . . 1 cupful chopped nut meats . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla.

Melt the butter and mix with Hershey’s Syrup, set aside till cool. Beat the eggs without separating and add the sugar, then beat again. Sprinkle the flour sifted with the baking powder over the nut meats and mix all the ingredients together, adding the vanilla. Spread in a shallow pan and bake in a moderate oven about 25 minutes.

Chocolate Ice Box Cake

1/4 cupful sugar . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 4 eggs . . . 1 teaspoonful vanilla . . . lady fingers . . . whipped cream.

Add sugar to Hershey’s Syrup and place in double boiler over hot water, stir till smooth, then add egg yolks, one at a time, beating well. When smooth and thick, fold in a stiffly beaten whites of eggs and vanilla. Arrange lady fingers in bottom and sides of a mold, cover with layer of chocolate paste, arrange second layer of lady fingers over this and so proceed until mold is full. Set away in refrigerator for 24 hours, then unmold, garnish with whipped cream, candied fruit or blanched almonds.

Chocolate Fruit Roll

1/2 cupful chopped dates . . . 1/2 cupful seeded raisins . . . 1/2 cupful figs . . . 1/2 cupful pecan meats . . . HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1/2 cupful almonds . . . 1/2 cupful candied cherries.

Blanch the almonds and run them with the other nuts and the fruit through the meat grinder, using a fine knife, then moisten the mixture well with Hershey’s Syrup. Turn out on a board sprinkled with powdered sugar and make into a flat loaf. Pack in a shallow pan and cut in squares when firm. Dust each square with confectioners’ sugar.

Chocolate Nut Jumbles

1/2 cupful butter . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful brown sugar . . . 1 egg . . . 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla . . . 1/2 cupful sour cream . . . 2 cupfuls flour (about) . . . 1/4 teaspoonful soda . . . 1/2 cupful black walnut meats.

Melt the butter with Hershey’s Syrup, then add the brown sugar and cream together. Stir in the sour cream and the egg well beaten. Sift the flour and soda together, add with the vanilla and chopped nut meats. Stir well and drop on a greased and floured baking tin. Bake in a moderate oven.

Chocolate Brownies

1/2 cupful butter . . . 6 tablespoonfuls HERSHEY’S Syrup . . . 1 cupful brown sugar . . . 1 egg . . . 1/2 teaspoonful baking powder . . . 1/2 cupful milk . . . 2 cupfuls flour . . . 3/4 cupful chopped pecans or walnuts . . . dash of salt.

Beat the egg and add the sugar and Hershey’s Syrup, sift the flour, salt and baking powder together and add alternately with the milk to the sugar mixture, then fold in the melted butter and the nut meats. Spread in a shallow baking tin well greased and bake in a moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Cut while warm in small squares.