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Bread Pudding Supreme Recipe

This vintage recipe was clipped from a newspaper, date unknown but an advertisement on the back shows milk was 65¢ a gallon, wow! Recipe is typed below along with a scanned copy.

Bread Pudding Supreme

3 cups milk, scalded
2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
1 1/2 cups bread, cut in half-inch cubes
1/2 cup sugar plus 4 tablespoons
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
2 eggs, slightly beaten and 2 egg whites
1 cup coconut, toasted and crushed slightly
1/2 cup jam or jelly
1/4 cup coconut

Combine milk, butter or margarine and bread cubes in greased baking dish. Add 1/2 cup sugar, salt and flavorings to the 2 slightly beaten eggs, and mix well.

Add to milk mixture. Add toasted coconut and stir lightly. Let stand 10 minutes. Place in a pan of hot water and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Spread pudding with jam or jelly. Beat egg whites until foamy throughout. Add remaining 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 at a time, beating after each addition until sugar is blended.

Pile lightly on pudding and sprinkle with 1/4 cup coconut. Bake 15 minutes longer, or until delicately browned. It’s good warm or cold and makes 6 servings.