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Apple Pie Sweetening Recipe – Vintage Handwritten

This is an old recipe card that was protected in a plastic cover and kept in a recipe box filled with vintage clippings and recipe cards. The handwriting is in pencil and the recipe is faded a bit and the card quite yellowed with age. There is a word at the bottom (where the spice mix ingredients are listed) that I’m not sure about, I believe it says “Marge”, maybe someone’s name? I’ve typed out the recipe below along with a scanned copy.

Apple Pie Sweetening

1/2 C W. Sugar
1/2 C B. ”
1 T. flour or Cornstarch

(mix in with apples


1 T Vinegar
1 1/2 t Cinnamon
1/4 t Nutmeg
1/8 t Salt
2 T Butter