Here’s a cutout from a magazine. No idea which one or what the date is. There are patterns for aprons on the back that suggest 1940 – 1950. Just a guess.

Recipe follows the image below (click image to view a larger size):

Shepherd's Pie Vintage Recipe - Click To View Larger Image

Shepherd’s Pie
By Charlotte Scripture

  1. Cut leftover cooked meat into cubes and arrange 2 cupfuls in a 2-quart casserole with 2 cups cooked carrots, celery, peas and whole small onions. Add 2 cups leftover gravy and mix lightly to coat all the meat and vegetables.
  2. Spread meat mixture with about 3-1/2 cups mashed potatoes, score with a fork and brush with evaporated milk. Leftover mashed potatoes may be used if beaten up with a little milk. Add 1 egg or egg yolk if desired.
  3. Bake in hot oven, 425°F., for 30 minutes, or until lightly browned. Makes 6 servings. Suggested dinner menu: Vegetable juice cocktail, Shepherd’s Pie, panned green cabbage, rye bread, margarine, rhubarb cobbler, tea for adults, milk for children.

Almost any leftover cooked meat such as pot roast, roast beef, pork, lamb or veal may be used in Shepherd’s Pie. Use scraps or small pieces of meat not suitable for slicing. Also good in this recipe are leftover cooked hamburger, meat loaf or chops. If you have on hand cooked white or yellow turnips, string beans, asparagus, almost any other vegetables in season or a can of mixed vegetables, they may be substituted for those called for in the recipe. Bouillon cubes, canned bouillon or consomme or meat extracts may be used to make gravy if you have none left over. Or use canned gravy. For variety, gravy may be made with part tomatoes, tomato juice or vegetable cooking water.

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No Responses to Shepherd’s Pie – Vintage Recipe Clipping

Lorraine Scripture
Published 17 April, 2008 in 10:16 pm

Wow, this was, without doubt, written by my great-aunt!

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