This old recipe from Watkins was printed on the back of a calendar page, publish date is April, 1932. I’ve typed it out below along with a scanned copy.

Vintage Recipe For Hunter's Salad


Bake six small sausages, cut into very small pieces, slicing across. With a very sharp knife slice cabbage as thin as possible, to fill a quart measure; add three cups of cooked and cooled stringless beans, cut in two-inch lengths, and six medium-size, fresh tomatoes, skin removed and cut into eighths. (The tendency now is not to cut the ingredients of salads into too small bits.) Mix these vegetables thoroughly, adding the prepared sausage and…


Grate one-half a cucumber, one half an onion, one-half a green pepper (seeds removed), and one stalk of celery. Put into cheese-cloth and squeeze out as much liquid as possible; chop the vegetables to make edges less stringy; add one-fourth cup of mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Serve on a bed of lettuce. Garnish with whole sausage, whole string beans and tomatoes cut into quarters.

The 2 Week Diet

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